Picked up by the Dream Team (a.k.a. Jacob and Alejandro) at Grand Junction Aeropuerto.

A food buy and then a short drive to a stylin bivy site positioned for approach to Independence Monument.

Independence Monument, going for Otto’s Route.

EPC Hardman Alejandro

Bringin up the dull end on the so called P4 crux 5.8– the actual crux IMHO is the 5.8 offwidth P3. Your mileage may vary.
After Otto’s, Alejandro had to return to civilian life, leaving Jacob and I to figure out some new epics to conquer. We decided a tour of Moab would certainly be epic.

We found infinite rock around Moab, including tons of bolted steeps and moderates. This is looking up at The Stage area, just above Take Out Beach, where Jake was going for the onsite of Exhibitionist.

The onsite was denied but redpoint was taken!

Reward for the redpoint was belaying me on the EZs and following in approach shoes. Badassery, 100%
Downtime in Moab included coffee shops and maintaining my unbeaten streak in chess. He crushes 5.11 but is a 5.6+ chessplayer.

This sign from the iconic Fred Becky + Eric Bjornstad photo is preserved at a local Moab coffee shop

After Moab, we decided to head back to CO and hit a new destination for me, Estes Park, Jurassic Park area. Sadly, we got rained out.

Waiting for the rain to stop under the overhang near The Edge of Time. Sadly, time ran out as I had to return home the next day.