Cragging for Fun and Infamy

Smith Rock

Dedicated to the friends and rope mates with whom I’ve shared the Dream.

Giselle belaying on First Kiss, Smith Rock, OR. Best. Climbing Partner. Ever.
Giselle belaying on First Kiss, Smith Rock, OR. Best climbing partner forever… even in the cold:

Giselle starting Squash the Spider, Smith

Jake Rob, Wherever I May Roam, Smith
Jake Rob, Wherever I May Roam, Smith

Michael Harrington, Washington Column, Yosemite, CA
Michael Harrington, Washington Column, Yosemite, CA

Rich Rinaldi
Rich Rinaldi
Rich Rinaldi on margaritaville.

David Rubine on the first ascent of Golden Years, Yosemite, CA
David Rubine on the first ascent of Golden Years , Yosemite, CA  topo
David Rubine on Future Shock, Pinnacles National Monument, CA
David Rubine on Future Shock, Pinnacles National Monument, CA

Tom Davis on Separate Reality, Yosemite, CA.
Tom Davis on Separate Reality, Yosemite, CA. Thank you for teaching me the game of hard fun.
More T.D. Joshua Tree, CA
Tom Davis on Ali Baba, Pinnacles National Monument, CA

Bobby Dery, Mt. Saint Elias, AK

Chris Breemer descending Avalanche Gulch, Mt. Shasta, CA

Caught in the act! Bill Repetto drilling Repetto Route, Castle Crags, CA
Caught in the act! Bill Repetto drilling Repetto Route, Castle Crags, CA
Lisa Vincenti and the mighty Hueco, Joshua Tree, CA
Lisa Vincenti and the mighty Hueco, Joshua Tree, CA

Time lapse of an obscure little clip-up at Smith. Shooter: Kostas Nicolacopoulos